multichannel sound-installation for an extinct bird, a guitar & a tree
For several decades, man has been noticing more and more the consequences of his own madness. However, only moderate measures are taken to counteract the drastic forest dieback, the loss of species and climate change. It may be due to political contradictions, lack of eco-sensitive awareness, or even our own urge for endless greed. The paradisiacal world is in flux and can only be kept viable in a controlled manner with respect, self-perception and cohesion.
Sound art as a vehicle to present ecological conditions scientifically-didactically and emotionally-transparent. The loss of native songbirds as a symbol for the inevitable concession of living on a damaged planet. Strengthening the preservation of culture and nature means to symbolise green spaces, gardens, and city parks as an architectural benevolence and national feature, but also as an awareness of living together with nature.
The common Whinchat (Saxicola Rubetra L.) stands here as a proxy for the loss of our native biodiversity. Silenced songs as a sign of extinct soundscapes, a crack in the cultural heritage.
Through guitar playing the voice of Saxicola Rubetra L. is triggered. The biodiversity and population density are related to the speed and pitch played. This is an attempt to remind the audience of the complexity and also the beauty of its songs. Knocking on a tree also triggers drone sounds that blend together with the modulated bird calls. „knock“ as a symbol of attention, illustrates the need for contact and the need for the consent of the other. An unconscious desire to ally with the environment.
This multichannel sound installation was released as an 8-channel format at the „Ars Electronica 2023“ in the garden of the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz and as an 17-channel format at the „Ottosonics Festival 2023“ in
Ottensheim (Au).