EOMAIA s.à.r.l.S. is a sole proprietorship for sound engineering, sonic intermedia and ecoacoustic research based in Luxembourg and led by Sam Erpelding.
This startup focuses on acoustic ecology, soundscape research, experimental media, sound design, digital musical interface design, computer music, radio art, audioplay and music production, as well as on room acooustics and sonic

Sam Erpelding (*1992, Luxembourg) is a sound engineer, sound artist, and field recordist. As an electric guitarist he performs in various formations, including the trio “ARGON“. Under the pseudonym „Dankwart“ Sam publishes his compositions mostly by himself, but also on various labels.
He completed his studies in sound engineering at SAE Vienna and produced a sound documentary about the nature reserve „Prënzebierg“ in Luxembourg. In 2018 he completed the course in Computer Music and Electronic Media at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and developed the MoConZinth (Motor-Controller-Zither-Synthesizer). In 2019, he completed the master’s programme in Digital Media Technologies at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten and conducted an Ambisonic Soundscape investigation in the Donau-Auen National Park as part of his master’s thesis.
In 2018, he was artist in residence at the Kunsthalle Groß-Siegharts in Lower Austria and published his sound installation „Prënzebierg“. In 2020, he won the ORF-Ö1 Radio Art Competition together with the language artist Elif San. He is co-founder of the Luxembourgish art collective „D’Kréiennascht“ and since 2021 member of the radio art network of the Greater Region „Radiôme“. He is currently doing his doctorate at the Anton-Bruckner Private University in Linz and working as an artistic researcher in the Donau-Auen and Kalkalpen National Park (Au).