„Prënzebierg“ – Lu, 2016
The bachelor thesis „Documentation and audio-technical analysis of the soundscape in the Luxembourgian Minette region in terms of Soundscape Ecology“ deals with an acoustic monitoring array consisting of three independent recording systems (handheld recorders). These recording systems were placed at three different locations in the nature reserve and recorded the soundscape at each location for 24 hours in three-hour samples. These 24-hour recordings were made on two different days in summer 2016. The recordings were analysed, compared and documented using audio-technical methods and manual event detection. The results show a high biophonic activity species-specific for each habitat. Besides, anthrophonic events in the background ambience can be identified as neighbouring industries, motorways, railway and air traffic.
Finally the results were implemented in a three-channel sound installation in the sense of ecological sound art and exhibited from July to September 2017 at the Kunstfabrik Groß-Siegharts in Lower Austria.